And in the absence of a proper final season for The Clone Wars, Rebels served as a nice continuation, providing the creators a chance to progress the stories of characters like Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex. Utilizing the same 3D animated techniques, headed by the same creators such as showrunner Dave Filoni, and featuring many of the same characters made it easy to see Rebels as a continuation of The Clone Wars' themes and plotlines. The series' similarity to each other seems to demand comparison. The two proved to be surprisingly different shows that are difficult to compare, but with the return of The Clone Wars for one last season, the debate seems to be leaning in Rebels' favor. When Star Wars: The Clone Wars seemingly ended only for its sister series Star Wars: Rebels to take up the baton, it was inevitable that debates would rage about which of the series was superior. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7, streaming now on Disney+.